Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Red clouds, blue lights, purple haze clings to the night
One breath, sunset, left hand clutched to the chest
Fading screams, daydreams, praying that it's all make believe
Old man, listen, radio transmissions
Heavy heart, cold feet, pandemonium in the streets
Uptown, sirens sound, world turns upside down
Old love, new fear, separated unclear
Pay phone, dial tone, maybe she's safe at home

No clouds, no lights, his gaze clings to the night
Long roads, ash sky, not a friendly face in sight
Magpies, bones dry, not a tear left in his eye
No space, no time, only living to survive
No help, cards dealt, every man fends for himself
Deep sighs, wide eyes, mushroom clouds in the sky

And the world keeps falling down 


  1. The is freaking amazing. I really really like this. It feels visual yet it retains its poetic voice.

    I wish I could marry writing.

    1. Thank you!! It's good to know some one likes my writing!
