Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Man I remember!!

Man I remember the first time I felt a beat... I'm not talking about listening I'm talking about actually feelin it, you know deep inside your soul that pulls words out like a rain storm. 

I remember when she smelled like sugar and flowers and smoke!! It was intoxicating. It's one of those things I will never forget because no one forgets their first heart ache. 

I remember the first time I won a wrestling match. I weighed in at 110 lbs against my opponent from Alta and pinned him in the second round! It made mom so proud.

I remember the day I crashed my dirt bike. I was more worried of what my dad would say about the condition of the bike than I was about the condition of my body. I tore the skin from my hands, knees, and elbows. I walked the bike home and got into the house before I realized I was even bleeding. 

I remember when I got in my first fight. It was behind the football bleachers. The fight ended fast. I remember thinking I was tough. I don't even know how the fight started. 

I remember sleeping in the rain. I didn't come in because I felt like it was washing away my sins. That was the best night of sleep I have ever had.