Sunday, March 16, 2014


It always scares me when I trip. It's unexpected. I hate it. I mean I will be walking around and the next thing I know I am laying face down on the pavement. I lie there for a bit in shock. You would think since I have been walking for 17 years I would no longer trip over my own feet. However it happens on a regular basis. My body isn't as smart as I think it is. 

I have learned to play it off like nothing happened. Or make a joke about it. Try not to make myself seem as stupid. But I trip as much as my jokes fail. It's more often than you would think. 

I got a way to look at it though. Maybe when I trip I am actually being saved. Like a giant hawk is swooping down to lift me off the ground and fly me to it's nest to get torn to pieces by it's man eating children. But because I tripped the hawk assumes I'm not worthy prey. Or maybe I tripped because ants created a trap for me so they would be fed for years to come. I guess I didn't really get saved just a different demise. 


  1. I love this. "But because I tripped the hawk assumes I'm not worthy prey." This is very innovative thinking. I can relate.
