Thursday, January 30, 2014


To me winning is everything. If I'm not winning I don't know what else to do. Winning is the best feeling in the world. It's good to know that your hardwork is finally paying off. It makes the journey worth it.

Losing, losing is the one thing I hate most in this world. It sucks to lose however, if you never lose then winning doesn't mean anything. 

You got to take the wins humbly and the losses have to motivate you to work harder. Winning isn't everything but it makes everything worth it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What it means to be

What it means to be...

I still don't know what it means to be a person or a human or what ever it is that most people are. It seems like Everyone has their own groups I guess that is part of living. I guess everyone needs to feel like they are accepted by people that share the same interests. I guess Fitting in is living to most

To some living is going out of your way to do something new and exciting. That way you never get bored and have the stories to tell your children's children.

To me to live is to be different than everyone else. I am living more than most people around me because I'm different. I do things most people don't because to me it is interesting. I am not trying to fit in with other people because I am my own person. 

To be human to be alive is up to you not the people around you 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


So I guess this is my intro! I haven't thought about what I would write, so I guess this is a hello I'm Abner! I wonder how many people will read this. Any way my name means Greek Warrior which I guess is pretty cool, I didn't know what other name I could have possibly picked other than the infinite amount of ways you can put our 26 characters we call an alphabet into different arrangements but I think it's a good one. It seems out of place but it fits in an odd way I don't quite understand it. It's like one of those puzzle pieces that has a whole bunch of weird edges but somehow fits ino the picture. Well that's enough about my weird name! Any way I don't think there is anything else for me to say at the moment so farewell for the time being